Nathalie Baartman - Deer
Een cabaretvoorstelling over alles wat Nathalie Baartman dierbaar is.
Grandioos theaterduo Lineke Rijxman en Willem de Wolf confronteert elkaar en het publiek met verlies, spijt en verlangen.
An unflinching and unexpectedly humorous look at masculinity, sexuality and power, through the dizzying lens of youth. Following a sell-out UK tour and New York Transfer, the multi-award winning play comes to The Netherlands.
An unflinching and unexpectedly humorous look at masculinity, sexuality and power, through the dizzying lens of youth. Following a sell-out UK tour and New York Transfer, the multi-award winning play comes to The Netherlands.
Films van queer makers met queer onderwerpen. Inclusief inleiding door Luuk van de Ven.
Roots- en countrymuziek gemixt met Bluegrass van eigen bodem.
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